NHTS is a non-partial third party inspection company that is accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020. NHTS performs Annual Aerial inspections and 5 Year Aerial Inspections per NFPA 1911 Chapter 22 2017 edition.
Annual Aerial Inspections shall be done on the following schedule:
At least annually
After major repairs or overhaul
Following the use of the aerial device when the aerial device could have been subjected to unusual operating conditions of stress or load.
Our annual service includes:
Perform Drift Test
Check torque on accessible bolts
Measure Turntable Bearing Clearance and Backlash
Perform Waterway inspection
Perform Load Test
Visual Inspections of welds and hydraulic components
Performs operational and performance tests
Measure aerial lateral twist
Timing Tests
Hydraulic oil sample for analysis
Replace Heat Sensors on Aluminum Ladders if Needed

5 Year Aerial inspections
(Includes all annual inspections as well)
Ultrasonic inspections of accessible bolts and pins
Magnetic Particle Inspection of critical suspect steel welds
Liquid Penetrant inspection of critical suspect aluminum welds
NHTS performs ground ladders per NFPA 1932, 2015 edition.
Ground Ladders shall be tested on the following schedule:
At least annually
After ladder, has been subjected to overloading
Whenever the heat sensor has changed to indicate heat exposure
After the ladder has been subjected to impact loading or unusual conditions of use
Ground Ladder Inspections
Visual inspection of welds and components
Roof Hook Test
Hardware Test
Horizontal Bend Test
Inspect and Replace Heat Sensors
Bundled Services
Consider the advantages of testing both your fire hose and ground ladders together. Reducing out-of- service time is always a goal of fire departments. NHTS, Inc. can test both fire hose and ground ladders at the same time. Your engine will only be out of service once with very little additional time needed to do both without having two separate schedules. In addition, NHTS, Inc. will also reduce the rate per foot for Ground Ladder Testing when both are done together. Evaluate the time savings that completing ground ladder and hose testing together can provide for your department. Call us and ask about the positive response we are seeing from fire departments who have chosen to implement this program.

Does the Fire Department need to help NHTS, Inc. with testing?
No, NHTS, Inc. provides the personnel and equipment to complete the testing.
Can NHTS, Inc. test hose and ladders at the same time?
Yes, we can test both at the same time.
One-time schedule, one-time out of service completing two annual requirements all at once. Contact us today for more info.
Does OSHA require annual Hose Testing?
In most states, OSHA does require annual testing. But it is a state by state requirement.

The Benefits of Hiring NHTS:
Qualified Personnel
Proper Testing Equipment
Reduced Liability
Third-party Testing
Test Result Documentation
Quality, Safe Workmanship
Bundled Service Advantage